Six Weeks —> Stanford

After months of self-study that wasn't really getting me anywhere, I looked for a tutor. I had an initial phone call with Mitchell in which he was communicative, optimistic, and friendly. I decided to work with him, and it paid off. I went from a 162 to a 168 in six weeks, and ended up getting admitted to multiple T6 law schools including Stanford and UChicago.

Mitchell introduced me to test strategies that really changed the way I was taking the test (I worked with Mitchell in preparation for my third LSAT). I saw results almost immediately from his strategies. He was very good at pointing out my weak points and addressing them right away.

He was a good balance for me in suggesting homework assignments but also letting me regulate my practice based on the time and energy that I had. I found him extremely supportive and encouraging, and I really appreciate what he was able to do for me! I would highly recommend working with Mitchell, especially when it comes to the LSAT and logical reasoning.

— Erin


“I never thought I was going to do well until…”


One Month, Seven Points and a Scholarship